Sunday, November 29, 2009


on for a short post

on friday, me and jiaxi's family went to wild wild wet. it was damn fun! we went on the ooolala (pardon for the wrong spelling) 5 times. it was damn fun. it has been a very long time since i went to www. i missed the taking of pictures all 5 times! urgh! we went to the water works too. i like the dark tunnel better. i cannot see myself (not that i can see my face even in th bright... lols)
before that, we went to eat subway for lunch. jiaxi hardly eaten and we had to come out of the water to eat at about 4 p.m.. but luckily we came out cos' immediately after we came out, it poured so we did not go back in. we went to IKEA after that. the hot dog bun was SUPERB!!!
we did not go hm till 7.30 pm
 gtg BB
until next time,