Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7th april 2010

today got shocked alot of times. DAMN Yee Hsien. he caught a MOTH. how stupid. i was right. brendan ng caught more flies today. great. dat Yee Hsien so guai lan one. he scare me at school den aft sch send email on FB say he very sry. den next day scare me again. stupid rite?
haizz... wo de ming hen ku ar~ hehe jkjk.
any ways, during math lesson, mrs tay was teaching den brendan ng wanted to scare me wif th fly. den brendan ng told Sean. hu ask him so happy they scaring me. he den stand behind my chair. i dunno mar. den suddenly th fly infront of me. i chua dio so pushed my chair backward. i still dunno Sean was dere. i swear :). you guess where i hit him?(Sean) right in his pussy!
hahahahahahaha. i was laughing so damn hard. he was curled up in a ball-like shape thingy. so damn funny. :D

after MT supp, i went to JX's condo to swim. so fun. i might upload th photos. but not now.
my mother and younger sis went wif us too. freaking. my mother even asked JX's granma to swim wif us. den JX's granma say she dunno hw t swim (SHIT)! my mother looked at me. i looked away. but my mother did not say anything more :). lucky me. i am surprised, though. she usually would shoot a riffle of question at me. anyways, we went down to th pool. it was quite cold at first. but i soon got used to it. my mother did not allow me to go to th 1.8m pool. but you noe me. i still went. so damn deep but very warm and nicer than thn 1.2m one.

anyways, i played till my lips turned purple. and i was stuttering. so did JX. niiice. we toked alot during th 'swim'. ALOT. but unfortunately, they are all secrets :) haiz.... anyways, we had great fun :)
after th swim, my mother and i went to MacDonalds to eat dinner. i ate alot. must hv gained weight... at least 1kg.

i gtg...
bb for now