Tuesday, April 6, 2010

DAMN i am so suai. (1st april - 6th april)

1st April, Thursday
April Fool's Day

i got 'tricked' 3 times by th boys... sean nvr come to school. he was absent for ermm like for th whole week (3 school days)
haizzz... those were th times...paradise :)
hehe. jkjk

2nd April, Friday

sean nvr come to school :) :) :)
happy... happy... happy...

5th April, Monday

you noe those kind of flies you find around your home at night flying around light sources? that DAMN brendan ng caught one stupid fly. knowing that i am DAMN scared of bugs, he brought it to school. to scare me. how perfect.
but anyways, he brought it to school and just ermm like put it infront of me. i screamed loudly, as usual. and he laughed, as usual. just then, Ranjit came into the story... he saw me screaming. he laughed. why am i not surprised??

during reccess, Jiaxi invited me to her house for a swim. my mother agreed (after i told her that JX's grandmother knew how to swim. and was going to swim with us. am i a good liar or what? JKJK).

unfortunately after school, it rained. so sad. JX called her grandmother but it was not raining there. so i went home to get my stuff. then, brendan ng and 'gang' followed me home. again. greeeeeat. ya, just great. why am i always not surprised? i should be more optimistic :)

to cut the long story short, i screamed all th way hm.

when i reached hm, my mother opened th door. she saw brendan ng and 'gang' and thought THEY were coming with US! how stupid. i would NEVER. i repeat, NEVER! in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE ever go ANYWHERE with those jerks.
my mother wanted to came with us. (FVCK!) in the end, it rained there too. haizzz. could my day get any worse?
YES. we they (JX and my mom) agreed to go tmr. how perfect. i would be HUMILIATED to death if anyone saw my mother's swimsuit. >.<|||

this is how my PERFECT day ended.

6th April, Tuesday (today)

good and bad news (for me)
BAD: brendan ng caught more bugs. 5 to be precise.
AND another BIG male ant.
GOOD: thanks to yee hsien, (lets give him a round of applause, shall we?) the big ant ate all th flies! YAY!!! FYI, yee hsien caught th big ant and gave to brendan ng :)
brendan ng was going all "HEY YOU IDIOT THING! STOP EATING!!! DAMN!" then he threw th container cantaining th bugs onto the floor and picked it up. then, "HEY YOU IDIOT THING! STOP EATING!!! DAMN!"
serves him right!! :P
on the second hand, he might be catching bugs right now...

today, my mother baked a chocolate chiffon cake. not ermmm... lets jus say as good as expected, shall we?
i totally forgotten that i had homework. i sent mdm nora th compo. for th 3rd time. haizzz. but it got me th excuse to use th com. :)
i left my preston, MT activity book (HW) in th locker. NOT on purpose :)?
haizzz anyways, i only took a few minutes when i was watching tv to do my hw. i did not complete it, as usual.
great. tmr's MT period is beore reccess. dat means i hv no time to copy....
nvm. dun care liao. scold den scold lar. hehe JKJK.
i not dat da dan. :(
haiz i really dao da mei ar.
suai. sit beside Sean Low. not enough? beside Reynard Ho during MT.


from yr pai kia,