Sunday, June 20, 2010


holidays are ebding. soon. one more week to go:( AND I STILL HAVENT FINISH MY HW YET. not surprised eh? LOLS
Now listening to the song Lulu said was nice:)
OK lar
he jus let me see anth pic. OMG. 'Gackt' is so DAMN 帅!!!!!

sibeh shuai seh:)
anyways, my precious sister help me re-do my blog. nice rite?
LOL jkjk:)
the previous time my blog corrupt like siao seh. lucky got my sis. she is in a good mood today:)

Yesterday she like keep asking me for money.
den i say if she see airplanes in th sky den i gve her.... LOL. 1 airplane for
Can you pretend that airplanes in th night skies like shooting stars? i cld really use a wish rite now, wish right now, wish right now!~~~~


i was jus finding out 'i love you's in diff. languages and realised 'Te amo' is love you!
LOLs. 'eu te amo':):)