Tuesday, June 8, 2010

LONG time nvr blog alr. sry lar...... busy mar....
first, let me tok to you bout Sunday.....

last Sunday, wich was 2 days ago, i went cycling wif my dad. actually, i cycled and my dad jogged. went a loooooong way. that was my first time i went by that route. very tired sia. i dunno how many kilometres....(exaggerating) a dozen, perhaps? JKJK. went by that canal route. the other side. on th left. usually i go by right but that day by left cuz my pop (LOL) say that side nicer to jog. BUT DAMN LOT OF SLOPES SIA. VERY STEEP SLOPES.... was like panting all the way. lucky that bike was mountain bike. can adjust gear, though i dun really noe how but got th hang of it since went cycling wif Sam a few times up slopes..... but thats not the point. its still need a DAMN lot of energy to go up TWO HUMONGOUS slopes. but the fun part was going downnnnnnnnn. SHIOK sia. all the wind rushing past you.... hair jus like gliding in th wind.....
OK. too much info. i think i cycled for like about 30 min....

den went home, and bathed for 45 mins. PRO rite? LOLs. i not joking.... i cycled for 30 min, and bathed for 45 mins.....
after that i watches The Incredibles while eating Nasi Lemak. (My maid good cook seh)

Now let me fast foreward to today.
i am now currently on the line wif my *ahem* PRETTY cousin. she is trying to console me. NOT. haizzz why am i always so VEXED??? cant  i have some peace for a weak?!
haizzz i doubt it, though....
i am trying to change my blogskin. TMR my mother and Eunice coming back. SHIT DAMN. gotta do EVERYTHING BY TODAY. STILL HAVE TO CLEAN MY ROOM. HAIZZZZ
i wan my own room. wan to change blogskin but need an awful load of time...
i am jus now in FB and was having a debate on whose better. Key or JongHyun?
Zoe obviously thinks its Key but i beg to differ. her sis oso likes JongHyun........

anyways, i am tired now. think will 'tidy' up my room and try to change blogskin.
bye. :)