Sunday, June 20, 2010


holidays are ebding. soon. one more week to go:( AND I STILL HAVENT FINISH MY HW YET. not surprised eh? LOLS
Now listening to the song Lulu said was nice:)
OK lar
he jus let me see anth pic. OMG. 'Gackt' is so DAMN 帅!!!!!

sibeh shuai seh:)
anyways, my precious sister help me re-do my blog. nice rite?
LOL jkjk:)
the previous time my blog corrupt like siao seh. lucky got my sis. she is in a good mood today:)

Yesterday she like keep asking me for money.
den i say if she see airplanes in th sky den i gve her.... LOL. 1 airplane for
Can you pretend that airplanes in th night skies like shooting stars? i cld really use a wish rite now, wish right now, wish right now!~~~~


i was jus finding out 'i love you's in diff. languages and realised 'Te amo' is love you!
LOLs. 'eu te amo':):)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

LONG time nvr blog alr. sry lar...... busy mar....
first, let me tok to you bout Sunday.....

last Sunday, wich was 2 days ago, i went cycling wif my dad. actually, i cycled and my dad jogged. went a loooooong way. that was my first time i went by that route. very tired sia. i dunno how many kilometres....(exaggerating) a dozen, perhaps? JKJK. went by that canal route. the other side. on th left. usually i go by right but that day by left cuz my pop (LOL) say that side nicer to jog. BUT DAMN LOT OF SLOPES SIA. VERY STEEP SLOPES.... was like panting all the way. lucky that bike was mountain bike. can adjust gear, though i dun really noe how but got th hang of it since went cycling wif Sam a few times up slopes..... but thats not the point. its still need a DAMN lot of energy to go up TWO HUMONGOUS slopes. but the fun part was going downnnnnnnnn. SHIOK sia. all the wind rushing past you.... hair jus like gliding in th wind.....
OK. too much info. i think i cycled for like about 30 min....

den went home, and bathed for 45 mins. PRO rite? LOLs. i not joking.... i cycled for 30 min, and bathed for 45 mins.....
after that i watches The Incredibles while eating Nasi Lemak. (My maid good cook seh)

Now let me fast foreward to today.
i am now currently on the line wif my *ahem* PRETTY cousin. she is trying to console me. NOT. haizzz why am i always so VEXED??? cant  i have some peace for a weak?!
haizzz i doubt it, though....
i am trying to change my blogskin. TMR my mother and Eunice coming back. SHIT DAMN. gotta do EVERYTHING BY TODAY. STILL HAVE TO CLEAN MY ROOM. HAIZZZZ
i wan my own room. wan to change blogskin but need an awful load of time...
i am jus now in FB and was having a debate on whose better. Key or JongHyun?
Zoe obviously thinks its Key but i beg to differ. her sis oso likes JongHyun........

anyways, i am tired now. think will 'tidy' up my room and try to change blogskin.
bye. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

EXAMS are over!!!

EXAMS are finally over!
haiz... can play all day
well, not exactly...
mdm nora started lessons alrdy...

i got back some of my results and thay are quite OK so far...

MATHEMATICS => PAPER 1: booklet A =>20/20
                                                    booklet B =>14/20
                                   PAPER 2:  =>               43/60
                                   TOTAL:    =>                77/100 (A)

ENGLISH            => ORAL: 26/30
                                  LC     : 20/20
                                  PAPER 1: 39/55
                                  PAPER 2: 68/95
                                  TOTAL   : 153/200 (76.5%)

only HMT 'not so good'. :(
PAPER 1:  25.5/40
PAPER 2:  36.5/60
TOTAL:     62/100

haiz.... i totally floked it... :( so sad...
yan an got th highest for th whole class! he even beat sim yang zhi :):)

haiz... i just discovered a secret...but i cant tell. oni yan an noes.
he was trying to help but i am still so damn stressed out....
what shld i do?????
can anyone in th universe help me???

Saturday, April 10, 2010

mdm nora change sits

mdm nora change sits liao.... hahahahahaaaa not sitting bside that annoying sean low. :):):)
although i quite pity tiffany wan... haizzzz jia yous wor :) gd luck wif sean... i tell you one 'secret weapon'. if he misbehaves, just say dat you will tell teacher. especially mdm nora. he damn scared of her...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7th april 2010

today got shocked alot of times. DAMN Yee Hsien. he caught a MOTH. how stupid. i was right. brendan ng caught more flies today. great. dat Yee Hsien so guai lan one. he scare me at school den aft sch send email on FB say he very sry. den next day scare me again. stupid rite?
haizz... wo de ming hen ku ar~ hehe jkjk.
any ways, during math lesson, mrs tay was teaching den brendan ng wanted to scare me wif th fly. den brendan ng told Sean. hu ask him so happy they scaring me. he den stand behind my chair. i dunno mar. den suddenly th fly infront of me. i chua dio so pushed my chair backward. i still dunno Sean was dere. i swear :). you guess where i hit him?(Sean) right in his pussy!
hahahahahahaha. i was laughing so damn hard. he was curled up in a ball-like shape thingy. so damn funny. :D

after MT supp, i went to JX's condo to swim. so fun. i might upload th photos. but not now.
my mother and younger sis went wif us too. freaking. my mother even asked JX's granma to swim wif us. den JX's granma say she dunno hw t swim (SHIT)! my mother looked at me. i looked away. but my mother did not say anything more :). lucky me. i am surprised, though. she usually would shoot a riffle of question at me. anyways, we went down to th pool. it was quite cold at first. but i soon got used to it. my mother did not allow me to go to th 1.8m pool. but you noe me. i still went. so damn deep but very warm and nicer than thn 1.2m one.

anyways, i played till my lips turned purple. and i was stuttering. so did JX. niiice. we toked alot during th 'swim'. ALOT. but unfortunately, they are all secrets :) haiz.... anyways, we had great fun :)
after th swim, my mother and i went to MacDonalds to eat dinner. i ate alot. must hv gained weight... at least 1kg.

i gtg...
bb for now

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

DAMN i am so suai. (1st april - 6th april)

1st April, Thursday
April Fool's Day

i got 'tricked' 3 times by th boys... sean nvr come to school. he was absent for ermm like for th whole week (3 school days)
haizzz... those were th times...paradise :)
hehe. jkjk

2nd April, Friday

sean nvr come to school :) :) :)
happy... happy... happy...

5th April, Monday

you noe those kind of flies you find around your home at night flying around light sources? that DAMN brendan ng caught one stupid fly. knowing that i am DAMN scared of bugs, he brought it to school. to scare me. how perfect.
but anyways, he brought it to school and just ermm like put it infront of me. i screamed loudly, as usual. and he laughed, as usual. just then, Ranjit came into the story... he saw me screaming. he laughed. why am i not surprised??

during reccess, Jiaxi invited me to her house for a swim. my mother agreed (after i told her that JX's grandmother knew how to swim. and was going to swim with us. am i a good liar or what? JKJK).

unfortunately after school, it rained. so sad. JX called her grandmother but it was not raining there. so i went home to get my stuff. then, brendan ng and 'gang' followed me home. again. greeeeeat. ya, just great. why am i always not surprised? i should be more optimistic :)

to cut the long story short, i screamed all th way hm.

when i reached hm, my mother opened th door. she saw brendan ng and 'gang' and thought THEY were coming with US! how stupid. i would NEVER. i repeat, NEVER! in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE ever go ANYWHERE with those jerks.
my mother wanted to came with us. (FVCK!) in the end, it rained there too. haizzz. could my day get any worse?
YES. we they (JX and my mom) agreed to go tmr. how perfect. i would be HUMILIATED to death if anyone saw my mother's swimsuit. >.<|||

this is how my PERFECT day ended.

6th April, Tuesday (today)

good and bad news (for me)
BAD: brendan ng caught more bugs. 5 to be precise.
AND another BIG male ant.
GOOD: thanks to yee hsien, (lets give him a round of applause, shall we?) the big ant ate all th flies! YAY!!! FYI, yee hsien caught th big ant and gave to brendan ng :)
brendan ng was going all "HEY YOU IDIOT THING! STOP EATING!!! DAMN!" then he threw th container cantaining th bugs onto the floor and picked it up. then, "HEY YOU IDIOT THING! STOP EATING!!! DAMN!"
serves him right!! :P
on the second hand, he might be catching bugs right now...

today, my mother baked a chocolate chiffon cake. not ermmm... lets jus say as good as expected, shall we?
i totally forgotten that i had homework. i sent mdm nora th compo. for th 3rd time. haizzz. but it got me th excuse to use th com. :)
i left my preston, MT activity book (HW) in th locker. NOT on purpose :)?
haizzz anyways, i only took a few minutes when i was watching tv to do my hw. i did not complete it, as usual.
great. tmr's MT period is beore reccess. dat means i hv no time to copy....
nvm. dun care liao. scold den scold lar. hehe JKJK.
i not dat da dan. :(
haiz i really dao da mei ar.
suai. sit beside Sean Low. not enough? beside Reynard Ho during MT.


from yr pai kia,

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Morninng, woke up at about 9.00guess what woke me up? "ding dong~!" how perfect... only supposed to wake up at 10. but i think my neighbour (indian) just bought the same doorbell as us. then they kept testing it. it went all "ding dong~! ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!ding dong~!"........ how irritating. we did not noe that THEY were the ones at first. my sis and i tot someone was outside. she went out to check but no one was at the door. just as she was about to close the door, the doorbell rang. AGAIN. siansian, my sis opened the door. NO ONE. haizzzzzzzz.
finally, she tried the door bell. it rang perfectly. just thyen, my neighbour came out. he said "when you press, our doorbell rang." !!! he put it like it was our fault. irritating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i missed out my beauty sleep because of THEIR pressing of doorbell and THEY did not even apologise. URGHHHHH!!!!!

after the case was closed, i got ready for church. sis suposed to go with me. but play truant. haizzz. got to train down to Paya Lebar.... all alone. just as i was about to step into my bathroom to bathe, Samantha called. ask if i can go her house eat lunch. of course i agreed. i chiong to the bathroom, broke my record time of 10 min, came out and mirically,blew my hair. i hate blowing my hair. takes a long tine and hardly dries. BUT drastic times call for drastic measures. i styled my hair, got dressed,  and rushed to sam's hs. sian lar. forgot put extension.......
but lunch was great !except for the veggies sam forced me to eat... almost puked out afterwards while rushing to the MRT. almost late, need one hour to get to Paya Lebar. when i reach Yew Tee MRT, card cannot go in. sian~~
go to receptionist, few minutes later got inside. luckily, the train was here. got inside and no seat. must rang wei... haizz. stood for 15 min. interchanged to green line. train DAMN crowded. no seat. want to rang wei oso cannot.... haizzzz. need to stand for 45 min or more.
finally reached  church and got to service. was not late. heng ar. sermon very powerful. it is about what a man thinks, so is he. dream and you shall get. just must be humble.
after service, gone hang out with church. made cupcakes and gave to people. they all looks so happy....
left church at about 7.30 and reach Yew Tee at about 9. went to Yew Tee Point until 9.30.

went home. fist thing, on com. guess who online? Jun Hao. we got into a 'fight'. den he 'stormed' off. after both of us apologised, we were frens again......... until he gtg at 12. he called when having a midnight snack. i still on computer. until 12.30. sis wan use. we toked until my phone no batt. siannnn lar.
haizz... anyways, dat is about it.
bb, for now.
PS: jun hao says he helping me post. he also doing draft now

cherish this post,
the next one MIGHT be MONTHS away!

Monday, December 7, 2009

went to IMM wif cousin, grandma, 2nd aunt, 2nd aunts husband...
dad nvr go so need to take MRT there...
waited for my cousin at Yew Tee MRT station... waited soooo longgg 4 her...
went there walk wif cousin, Eunice(my small sis) & maid
from 2+ walk till 8+
soo tired... i went to cousin's hs to sleep
haizzz... still havent bathe yet, sooo tired. dun feel lyk bathing..
gtg now, to bathe
bb, for now

Sunday, November 29, 2009


on for a short post

on friday, me and jiaxi's family went to wild wild wet. it was damn fun! we went on the ooolala (pardon for the wrong spelling) 5 times. it was damn fun. it has been a very long time since i went to www. i missed the taking of pictures all 5 times! urgh! we went to the water works too. i like the dark tunnel better. i cannot see myself (not that i can see my face even in th bright... lols)
before that, we went to eat subway for lunch. jiaxi hardly eaten and we had to come out of the water to eat at about 4 p.m.. but luckily we came out cos' immediately after we came out, it poured so we did not go back in. we went to IKEA after that. the hot dog bun was SUPERB!!!
we did not go hm till 7.30 pm
 gtg BB
until next time,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

it's party time!!!!

exams are over!!!
have all of you got back your results yet?
well, i hv...
the results as follows...

Eng: Paper 1→43.5/55
       Paper 2→ A: 25/30
                        B: 49.5/65
           Total→161/200 = 80.5/100

 MT: Paper1→24.5/40
        Paper 2→76.5/90
               LC→20/20 *
            Total→167/200 = 83.5

HMT: Paper 1→25/40
          Paper 2→38.5/60

Mat: Paper 1→ A: 20/20
                         B: 15/20
        Paper 2→46/60

Sci: Booklet A→52/60
       Booklet B→34.5/40

all As!